2022- 2023 School Year. St. John Fisher School Extended Care Program is here to provide quality and consistent care for before and after school to the students of St. John Fisher School. It follows all regulations set forth by the Children's Care Division of the State of Oregon.
Our goal is to provide students with a positive atmosphere where they will have opportunities to continue their learning through hands-on activities and recreational fun. Additionally, for those students with homework, a designated staff member will assist students in completing their assignments.
Only St. John Fisher School students may participate in the Extended Care Program. Children will be supervised by an adult caregiver at all times at the recommended ratio (one adult per 15 students) under Children’s Care Division guidelines for daycare.
Operating Schedule
Our Extended Care Program is held in our cafeteria.
The morning care program operates before school Monday through Friday from 7:00 am. to 8:00 am. Students are then dismissed to their classrooms. There is no morning care on “late start” days due to inclement weather.
Our after-school program operates from school dismissal until 6:00 p.m.
Additionally, care will be provided on early release days and teacher in-service days. Extended care is not available for national holidays, Christmas and spring breaks, and inclement weather school closings. To help accommodate parents' work schedules, a monthly calendar will be available through our Extended Care program on the 10th of each month, to sign up for the following month's care. Billing will be done through FACTS at the end of each month.
Summer Camps - SJF students are welcome to sign up for camps throughout the summer. Camp is Monday through Friday from 8 am to 5 pm. Cost is $225 per student, per week.
For additional information regarding our Extended Care Program or to leave a message for our extended care director, please call (503) 246-3234 ex.35 and/or E-mail Susan Robinson at [email protected].
Fee Schedule for 2022/2023
SJF reserves the right to make an independent decision regarding closures or late openings which will be shared with parents via the means mentioned above.
Click to view our Child Care and Early Education COVID-19 Health and Safety Plan.