Everything You Wanted To Know
Week of 02-03-25
From our kick off assembly to the celebration Saturday night, this past week’s Cardinal Week of Giving was totally RAD! Many photos from the weeks events including our kick off assembly, Grandparents and Special Friends Day and the Cardinal Party can be found our our social media platforms:
Thank you SJF families for all your support! I’m happy to report that overall we had 90% family participation with 3 classes that had 100% participation: Kindergarten, First and Second Grade! Our final fundraising totals are still rolling in and we hope to have official numbers for you next week.
Additionally, there are a few spots remaining for easel parties:
If you are interested in signing up for any of these events, please contact Sara Richardson by next Tuesday (2/11) at [email protected].
In closing, I would like to send a huge “Thank You” to Sara Richardson, our event chair, Katie Kennedy and Christina Wallace our decoration coordinators, Katie Richmond our spirit coordinator, Erica Benthin our communications chair, Libby Rankin our PTC President and the numerous other volunteers that helped make the events from the week such a special and successful experience for our entire school. Go Cardinals!
Tuesday 2/4: 3:15-3:45pm Gr 5-8 Study Hall, 3:15-4:30pm Xanadu rehearsal in CFC
Wednesday 2/5: 7:10-8 HS Prep Class in library, 7:30am Glee Club in parish music room, 1:00pm School Mass (3rd Gr), 2:05pm Dismissal, Chess Wizards
Thursday 2/6: 7:30am Glee Club in library, Progress Reports distributed via email, 3:15-3:45pm Gr 5-8 Study Hall, 3:15-4:30pm Xanadu rehearsal in CFC
Friday 2/7: Girl Scouts’ Father-Daughter Dance in CFC
Saturday 2/8: 10:00am-3:00pm Parents’ Morning Off
Sunday 2/9: Happy Birthday to Fr. Valentine!
Tuesday 2/11: 3:15-3:45pm Gr 5-8 Study Hall, 3:15-4:30pm Xanadu rehearsal in CFC, SJF Night at Panda Express, 5:30pm SAC meeting, 6:30pm PTC Exec. meeting
Wednesday 2/12: 7:30am Glee Club in parish music room, 1:00pm School Mass (2nd Gr), 2:05pm Dismissal, Chess Wizards, 5:30pm Parent Information Night in CFC
Thursday 2/13: 7:30am Glee Club in library, 3:15-3:45pm Gr 5-8 Study Hall, 3:15-4:30pm Xanadu rehearsal in CFC
Friday 2/14: Happy Valentine’s Day! Valentine’s Themed (red, pink, white, hearts etc) Free Dress, 1:30-2:30pm 8th Gr to Sunny’s Yogurt, 2:30pm Class Valentine’s parties
Playground duty is from 11:25am - 1:00pm. If there is a conflict with your scheduled playground duty date, please notify Holly Hunt, our playground duty coordinator, as far in advance as possible so that she can reschedule your duty. Thank you for your help in the lunchroom and on the playground.
Tuesday 2/4: BERNATZ
Wednesday 2/5: NEED COVERAGE
Thursday 2/6: BREWER
Friday 2/7: WALKER
Monday 2/10: HAAPALA
Tuesday 2/11: DEAN
Wednesday 2/12: CADONAU
Thursday 2/13: EILERS
Friday 2/14: SCHMIDT (MATT & EMILY)
We are now more than halfway through the school year and this would be a good time to record your volunteer hours. As a reminder families are required to fulfill 30 hours or 20 hours for new families. These hours are due by the end of the year and ideally a minimum of 10 volunteer hours would be associated with a fundraising activity (Cardinal Week of Giving or the Jog-a-Thon). As a reminder for each hour not filled, you will be charged $50.
We will be running a report of current volunteer hours the first week of March, so please see instructions below to enter your hours if needed. If you still need hours, we have several opportunities up coming: Jog-a-thon, Men's Club Easter Egg Hunt, Field Day, Coach Track, First Communion, May Crowning, and more. For volunteer opportunities or questions on recording your hours, please contact Robbie McGinty at [email protected].
To log your hours:
1.) Go to FACTS login: https://logins2.renweb.com/logins/ParentsWeb-Login.aspx
2.) On the side navigation, select 'Family'
3.) Select correct parent --> select 'Add'
FACTS has recently adopted a two-step procedure for login to your family portal. It is now asking for the district code before you are asked to enter your username and password. If prompted for our district code, please enter SJF-or. Note that this district code is case sensitive.
Thanks to all of our grandparents and special friends, over 200 books found a home in our SJF library! If you or your guests were not able to visit the sale last Wednesday, you have another opportunity to purchase a book for the library with a special dedication page included. The books are on display in the library for the next week. Lots of sports team and player books, chapter books and picture books (fiction & nonfiction) ready to go!
I am happy to help facilitate any purchases over email as well. Thank you for supporting our students' love of reading!
Margaret Burd
SJF’s most recent Annual Report is attached to this SAM, containing a summary of highlights from the 2023-2024 year.
When: Tuesday, Feb. 11 from 9:30am-11:30pm
What: 20% of event sales go to SJF!
Where: Panda Express located at 11490 SW Canyon Rd. Beaverton
Additional information is on the attached flyer.
From Roblox to TikTok... how we can help our children + teens navigate their digital footprint with education, intention and grace!
This hands-on interactive family workshop is designed to help families from pre K-8 navigate the ever changing landscape of the digital world. It is never too early or late to think about a family and community plan for supporting, educating and helping students think about who they want to be both In Real Life and Online! This workshop will help parents with language, personal exploration and a roadmap for working together to raise a community of digitally mindful students!
Permanency of Digital Footprint
The Future of Social Media
Mapping Out the Stages of Digital Use
Family Conversations
Navigating with Intention and not Fear
Developing Community Standards
Mindy Lockard is the founder of The Leadership Academy for K - 12 and College / University and Corporate Speaker. Her passion is helping all people live with intention, confidence and care. She has been a regular contributor to FOX 12 Oregon, Afternoon Live, FORBES Women, Washington Post and Good Day NW! She loves working with students and families on developing a roadmap for a life of strong social skills and confidence!
SJF will provide free babysitting and pizza for a limited number of SJF students for the families attending the parent information night. Please register at this link:
Additionally, you will receive 2 Family Volunteer Hours for attending!
As we settle into the month of February, there are various reports about the possibility of some real winter weather headed our way. For reference, here is a review of our inclement weather policies:
Announcements concerning school closure and late starts are shared with families via parent email, posting on the SJF Facebook & Instagram pages, posting on the Announcements banner of your Family Portal on FACTS, and via the FACTS Parent Alert text feature.
During inclement weather, keep the following points in mind:
If you haven’t yet enrolled in the Parent Alert text feature, please text the keyword “START” to 317065 from your mobile device. Any text alerts from our school will begin with “Parent_Alert:” and calls will show “503-246-3234” (school phone number).
It’s time to start thinking about what your child will do this summer to keep busy! Our SJF Summer camp is a great way to continue friendships and fun with the staff you all know and love. Attached is our summer camp schedule and sign up. If you have any questions, please reach out to Mr. Drew Boyer at [email protected]. You can also locate this information on your FACTS Family Portal and at the Cardinal Corner outside the school office.
St. John Fisher is proud to announce that applications for a $1,000 scholarship in honor of Mrs. Darlene Sheridan are now being accepted. Mrs. Sheridan was an amazing educator for over 30 years at St. John Fisher.
To apply, please submit a one-page essay describing how this scholarship can benefit your child and family. In particular please include any specific financial needs, areas that SJF addresses that wouldn’t be possible without assistance, or what you feel to be important. All applications are reviewed solely by Mrs.Sheridan and not shared with other members of the SJF community or staff. The essay should also include the parent names, name of child(ren) at SJF, and any other family members. Please include a postal address, email address, and telephone number.
To submit, email the above to: [email protected]. Applications are due no later than Friday, Feb. 14.
The successful applicant will be notified from Mrs. Sheridan directly and a payment will be made directly to St. John Fisher in the awardee’s name. The mission of the scholarship is to support families in sending their children to SJF where they may grow in their Christian faith, academics, and overall social being.
This will be the last weekend for the Altar Guild’s Fudge and Truffles Sale after the weekend Masses (Feb 8-9). Valentine’s Day is coming so don’t forget your sweetheart or your sweet tooth. The attached flyer has additional information.
Registration for IB Wells Boys Youth Lacrosse is open now and the season begins early March.
IBW Boys Youth Lacrosse
New Player Orientation Clinic
Rieke Elementary School Field
Sun, Feb 2nd, 2pm
New parents & boys, grades 1-6th, are all invited
All equipment provided, no reservation needed
Rain or shine
Register or learn more: