Everything You Wanted To Know
Week of February 12, 2024
Tomorrow we celebrate Ash Wednesday as we enter the season of Lent. During Lent, we renew and reflect on our baptismal promises while devoting ourselves to prayer, reading Scripture, fasting, and almsgiving. We would like to extend a warm invitation to join us for our Ash Wednesday Mass tomorrow at 1:00pm. “Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return.“ - Genesis 3:19
Next week we have 2 days where students will not have school. On Monday, we celebrate Presidents’ Day and on Tuesday, our faculty will be participating in a faith formation inservice led by our own Deacon Scott Kolbet. Our theme for the day is “Presence” and our workshops will be a great way for us to continue our Lenten journey and mission as Catholic educators. Our extended care will be offering care from 7am till 6pm on Tuesday. To register, please contact Mr. Drew Boyer at [email protected].
In closing, love was sure in the air today with our Valentine’s Day celebration. Check out these fun photos from our morning and family group activities..
Tuesday 2/13: Valentine’s Themed Free Dress, 10:50-11:20am Family Group Activity, 2:00pm Valentine’s Class Parties, 3:15-3:45pm Gr 5-8 Study Hall, 3:15pm Annie rehearsal in CFC, 5:30pm SAC meeting, 6:30pm PTC Exec. meeting
Wednesday 2/14: Ash Wednesday, 7:30am Glee Club in church, 1:00 Ash Wednesday All School Mass (2nd Gr), 2:05pm Dismissal, Chess Wizards
Thursday 2/15: 7:30am Glee Club in library, 1:00pm 8th Gr Reconciliation, 3:15-3:45pm Gr 5-8 Study Hall, 3:15pm Annie rehearsal in CFC
Saturday 2/17: Happy Birthday Mrs. Richmond!
Monday 2/19: President’s Day - No School
Tuesday 2/20: Teacher Inservice - No School, Extended Care open 7am-6pm
Wednesday 2/21: 7:30am Glee Club in church, 1:00pm School Mass (8th Gr), 2:05pm Dismissal, Chess Wizards
Thursday 2/22: 7:30am Glee Club in library, 3:15-3:45pm Gr 5-8 Study Hall, 3:15pm Annie rehearsal in CFC, 7:00pm Men’s Club meeting
Tuesday 2/13: BIRKLAND
Wednesday 2/14: KATCHER
Thursday 2/15: JOVANOVIC
Friday 2/16: WANTLAND
Monday 2/19: NO SCHOOL
Tuesday 2/20: NO SCHOOL
Wednesday 2/21: NEED COVERAGE
Thursday 2/22: BAUER (PRENTICE)
Friday 2/23: RODGERS
Parents, in addition to the reminders that are in the SAM each week, you can access the Playground Duty calendar on your FACTS Family Portal under Resource Documents. Playground duty is from 11:25am - 1:00pm. On your assigned day, please check in at the school office first, and then head to the Corrado Family Center. If there is a conflict with your scheduled playground duty date, please notify Holly Hunt, our playground duty coordinator, as far in advance as possible so that she can reschedule your duty. Thank you for your help in the lunchroom and on the playground.
Our brand new Spirit Wear collection is officially live but ordering closes this Friday, February 16th. Head over to our new merchandise site sjfspirit.com (link to the site) to shop the collection now! The first Spirit Wear collection includes premium apparel garments and accessories to help SJF parents, alumni, community supporters and students show their SJF pride in the community. Proceeds from sales help support SJF programs including technology, field trips and art literacy.
Be sure to order before this Friday. Orders can’t be accepted after the window closes on 2/16!
CYO Track & Field season is approaching and we need a head coach!
This is a great opportunity to help out and be involved in your child's sport. Not to mention gain volunteer hours AND the head coach/coordinator's child(ren) play that sport for free!
Practices start the week after Spring Break and will be twice a week at Valley Catholic (likely from 5:30-7pm on Mondays and Wednesdays, pending Valley Catholic's schedule).
Meets will be on April 13th, 20th, 27th, and May 4th. The Roadrunner Championship is on May 11th and the Meet of Champions is on May 18th-19th.
Please email JB Gibbs ([email protected]) if you're interested or have questions.
St. John Fisher will host the second middle school dance of the year on Saturday, March 2 from 6:30-8:30pm in the Corrado Family Center!
Open to current middle school students at St. Cecelia’s, SJF and Holy Trinity only
Register by Feb. 29 at HTTPS://SJFS.EJOINME.ORG/
Thank you to all who purchased books for our library! There are now 167 new books for our students reading needs and pleasures.
We still have 87 books available for purchase! Go to this LINK to browse the books and prices. Email Mrs. Burd your requests and she will set aside the books. Purchases will be given to your child to take home. Checks or cash, in an envelope marked Library Book Sale, can be left at the school office or given to your child's teacher.
Thank you for supporting our SJF library!
Please click the lilnks below for more informaiton: