Everything You Wanted To Know
Week of April 1, 2024
As we review the April, May and June calendar, we have had quite a few inquiries to the office
looking for opportunities for families to complete their volunteer hour requirement. Here are a
few suggestions, organized by date, along with the name/email of the coordinator for those
● Playground duty - daily 11:30am - 1:00pm:
○ Contact: Holly Hunt [email protected]
● Coffee and Donuts - Sundays after 9am Mass through the first week of June
○ Contact: Chris Ebersole [email protected]
● CYO Track Meet Volunteer - Saturday, April 13, 20 and 27 and May 4
○ Contact: JB Gibbs [email protected]
● First Communion Reception - Sunday, April 21st
○ Contact: Darlene Sheridan [email protected]
● May Crowning - Organize flower arrangements on Wednesday, 5/1 after drop off
○ Contact: Danielle Floberg at [email protected] or Angie Showalter at [email protected]
● Jogathon - Friday, May 17th
○ Contact: Nora Jensen [email protected]
● Talent Show - Friday, May 17th
○ Contact: Don Vecchione: [email protected]
● 8th Grade Luncheon - Tuesday, June 11th
○ Contact: Molly O’Neill at [email protected] or Angela Tobecksen and [email protected]
● 8th Grade Reception - Tuesday, June 11th (evening - approx. 7:30pm following the
graduation Mass)
○ Contact: Nicole Kirker at [email protected] or Sara Richardson at [email protected]
● Hot Lunch Volunteer - Tuesday through Friday 11:25-1:00
○ Contact: Ken Weston: [email protected]
Please remember our volunteer hour requirement (20 hours for new families and 30 for all
others) and you can log your hours via the “Family Portal” in FACTS under “Family” and
“Service Hours.”
Tuesday 4/2: 7:15-8:05 LeadHERship in library, State HOSA competition, 3:15-3:45pm Gr 5-8
Study Hall, 3:15pm Annie rehearsal in CFC
Wednesday 4/3: 7:30am Glee Club in church, 1:00pm School Mass (3rd Gr), 2:05pm
Thursday 4/4: 7:30am Glee Club in library, 3:15-3:45pm Gr 5-8 Study Hall, 3:15pm Annie
rehearsal, Cardinal Club Meeting at 7pm
Friday 4/5: 3:05pm Daisy Scout meeting in library
Tuesday 4/9: 3:15-3:45pm Gr 5-8 Study Hall, 3:15pm Annie rehearsal in CFC, 5:30pm SAC
meeting, 6:30pm PTC Exec meeting
Wednesday 4/10: 7:30am Glee Club in church, 1:00pm School Mass (2nd Gr), 2:05pm
Dismissal, Spring Chess Wizards begins
Thursday 4/11: NO Glee, NO Annie rehearsal, 3:15-3:45pm Gr 5-8 Study Hall
Friday 4/12: Happy Birthday Ms. Schoenheit! NOON DISMISSAL for professional
development, Extended Care open 12-6pm
Parents, in addition to the reminders that are in the SAM each week, you can access the
Playground Duty calendar on your FACTS Family Portal under Resource Documents.
Playground duty is from 11:25am -1:00pm. On your assigned day, please check in at the school office first, and then head to the Corrado Family Center. If there is a conflict with your scheduled playground duty date, please notify Holly Hunt, our playground duty coordinator, as far in advance as possible so that she can reschedule your duty. Thank you for your help in the lunchroom and on the playground.
Your SJF Cardinal Club will meet this Thursday, April 4 at 7pm in the Corrado center. We will be working on this year’s Jogathon and will start planning events and activities for the 2024-25 school year.
It’s time to get your summer plans in order! Registration for our popular SJF Summer Camp is open, eligible for students entering Kindergarten and older! Information about cost and all the fun plans for this summer are on the flyer attached to this SAM. Early Bird Discount: Receive 10% off your amount due if signed up and camps are paid in full by April 25th
Make sure you have signed up for April extended care coverage. The signup calendar is
attached to this SAM and on your Family Portal under Resource Documents. Next Friday, April 12, SJF has an early dismissal at noon. Extended care will be open this day from 12-6pm but students must be signed up in advance so that we have enough coverage for the afternoon. Please be sure to register in advance with Drew Boyer if you plan to have your child attend extended care next Friday, 4/12.
It’s time to register your child for chess class this spring. Classes will be on Wednesdays from
2-3pm in the preschool/extended care space, and begin next Wednesday, April 10. Registrationinformation is on the attached flyer.
The SJF Jog-A-Thon is coming up soon! Please consider being a sponsor!
And a warm thank you to our current sponsors: The Kirker Family, Heroic Technologies, The
Bernatz Family, Beaverton Dental, Floberg Fisher Wealth Management, and How Sweet It Is
Classic Confections!
Develop skills. Expand horizons. Deepen learning. Have fun!
Join us this summer for affordable and enriching educational, preparatory, and athletic
experiences. Our summer programs include high school classes, athletic camps and clinics, and middle school enrichment programs. Learn more and register here! Space is limited! https://cchsrams.pub/summer24
Good News: We have a coach to help our track team this spring, so it’s time to register for the Spring 2024 SJF Track & Field Season!
Register your athlete here: https://www.cyocamphoward.org/content/16606/SJF-Track-Field
The registration fee is $235 per participant (LATE FEE: $285 Effective 4/2/2024)
If necessary, depending on current inventory: Uniform order link will be sent to registrants at a later date.
Practices will be at Valley Catholic High School on Mondays and Wednesdays at 5:30p (Time
may change, depending on VCHS needs).
Meets are on four Saturdays beginning April 13th plus the championship meets on May 11
(younger grades) and May 18-19 (older grades).
If you're interested in coaching, or have questions, email:
JB Gibbs- CYO Club AD at [email protected]