Everything You Wanted To Know
Week of April 15, 2024
Safety for our students and families is our number one priority. In an effort to provide a safe environment for our students, as well as to accommodate the needs of our parent volunteers and visitors to St. John Fisher during school hours, we ask that you please follow these very important guidelines for our parking lot to ensure the safety of everyone:
Drop-off & Pick-Up:
The school doors open at 8am. Students left before 8am are unsupervised so please wait till 8am before leaving campus.
For the car line, we will follow our drop off/pick up protocols and cars may enter and exit via Vermont or 45th, following the traffic pattern to the school.
Detailed maps of routes are below
If parking, please make sure to utilize all the forward parking spaces in the lot and please do not park in a manner that blocks the road path to/from the school.
Please pull your car all the way forward into an empty spot closest to school so we are maximizing parking and allowing others space to fill in behind.
Please make sure your child is with you and not running ahead unattended.
While waiting for your child to get out and/or be picked up, please turn off your car.
Be extra cautious when backing up in the parking lot during pick up and drop off, there are many little people around.
Upon exiting the campus:
Via 45th Ave.: Please turn RIGHT onto SW 45th Ave. We understand that may require an alternate route; however, it is in the best interest of safety and time.
Via Vermont St.: head towards 45th exit and then join the car line that is entering campus from 45th in the far right lane. When you get to the front of the church, by the rose garden, veer to the right to the church and head to the back behind the church. Then turn left on the driveway and out to Vermont. ***Please note, our pedestrian path crosses this route so use extreme caution when driving behind the church***
If utilizing the upper playground after school, all children must remain on the field or playground. No basketball or children on the asphalt until all traffic has cleared.
SJF Student Pedestrians: Nevada Street is the only exit for vehicular traffic. It is a narrow street and with the additional traffic, not the safest pedestrian exit from the school. If you have a child that walks home after school or to the SW Community Center, we ask you to review the Pedestrian Plan map below and educate your child on the route. Students will exit campus at a pedestrian path connecting to St. Luke’s and sidewalks along California St. to SW 45th. Students will then use the light at Vermont and 45th to cross.
In closing, as a general rule of thumb, please drive cautiously and be aware of the surroundings during drop off and pick up. We ask that if you bring your pet or cell phone with you to pick up/drop off your child, please leave the pets in the car and cell phones off to avoid distractions and maintain safety. Thank you for helping to keep our students, faculty, staff and parents safe on campus.
Tuesday 4/16: 7:15-8:05am LeadHERship in library, 3:15pm Gr 5-8 Study Hall
Wednesday 4/17: NO Glee, 1:00pm School Mass (8th Gr), 2:05pm Dismissal, 2:05pm Chess Wizards
Thursday 4/18: 7:30am Glee Club in library, Stage setup in gym, 3:15pm Gr 5-8 Study Hall, 3:15pm Annie Jr. rehearsal on stage in gym-All Cast, 7:00pm Men’s Club meeting
Saturday 4/20: 9:00-5:00 Annie Jr. Mandatory All Day Tech Rehearsal for all cast & crew, 5:30pm Men’s Club Bingo Night in CFC
Sunday 4/21: First Holy Communion Mass at 2:00pm
Monday 4/22: Teacher Appreciation (thanks 3rd Gr)
Tuesday 4/23: 2:15pm Annie Jr. sneak peek in gym, 3:15-3:45pm Gr 5-8 study hall, 6:30pm Annie Jr. performance in gym
Wednesday 4/24: Happy Administrative Assistants Day Mrs. Wasman!, NO Glee, 1:00pm School Mass (7th Gr), 2:05pm Dismissal, Chess Wizards, 6:30pm Annie Jr. performance in gym
Thursday 4/25: 7:30am Glee Club in library, 8:30-1:15 3rd Gr Portland Walking Tour, Early bird discount for summer camps ends today!
Friday 4/26: 8:15am-3:00pm 8th Gr field trip to the Grotto & Cathedral, 9:00am-12:00pm PreK field trip to OMSI
Tuesday 4/16: MADSON
Wednesday 4/17: JAGELSKI
Thursday 4/18: BERNATZ
Friday 4/19: REEL
Monday 4/22: QUIST
Tuesday 4/23: ELDIEN
Wednesday 4/24: FLOBERG
Thursday 4/25: QUIST
Friday 4/26: SHOWALTER (Angie)
Parents, in addition to the reminders that are in the SAM each week, you can access the Playground Duty calendar on your FACTS Family Portal under Resource Documents. Playground duty is from 11:25am -1:00pm. On your assigned day, please check in at the school office first, and then head to the Corrado Family Center. If there is a conflict with your scheduled playground duty date, please notify Holly Hunt, our playground duty coordinator, as far in advance as possible so that she can reschedule your duty. Thank you for your help in the lunchroom and on the playground.
The SJF Men’s Club presents its annual Bingo Night next Saturday, April 20. Doors open at 5:30pm. Save money and time when you pre-order your bingo cards HERE! Bingo cards and food/beverage tickets will also be available at the door. Come have dinner and some fun with us!
Parent volunteers are still needed for the evening too. This counts towards your yearly volunteer hour requirement! Use the link below to sign up to help:
Parents, we are also always on the hunt for bingo prizes- any and all kid or adult prizes are welcome - toys, stuffed animals, games, gift cards to businesses or restaurants, tickets to the Blazers/Winterhawks/Timbers/
Walk the red carpet for the final middle school dance of the year! Holy Trinity is hosting this dance on Friday, May 10 from 6:30-8:30pm. Access the link below to sign the waiver and purchase your tickets.
Thank you again to our Fred Meyer shoppers. During the first quarter of this year, SJF earned $261.68 from 82 families participating in Fred Meyer’s Community Rewards Program. The attached flyer contains information on how you can link your own rewards card to SJF.
The contents of the Lost & Found closet have been set out on tables in the main school entrance. Please come take a look. At the end of this week, unclaimed uniform pieces will go downstairs to uniform exchange. All other items will be taken to Goodwill.
It’s time to get your summer plans in order! Registration for our popular SJF Summer Camp is open, eligible for students entering Kindergarten and older! Information about cost and all the fun plans for this summer are on the flyer attached to this SAM. Don’t Miss the Early Bird Discount: Receive 10% off your amount due if signed up and camps are paid in full by April 25th.
The SJF Jog-A-Thon is coming up soon! Please consider being a sponsor!
And a warm thank you to our current sponsors: The Kirker Family, Heroic Technologies, The Bernatz Family, Beaverton Dental, Floberg Fisher Wealth Management, and How Sweet It Is Classic Confections!