ALL DONATIONS ARE TAX-DEDUCTIBLE if you receive no goods or services in exchange for your gift. Click the button below to access our online giving page. Here are how your donations support St. John Fisher:
Offertory donations support ongoing church operations and ministries
Reserve Fund donations are held in reserve for unexpected church expenditures
Catholic Education donations allow our parish to financially support our largest ministry, our school
School donations benefit the school directly in areas such as technology upgrades, financial aid assistance to families, and annual operations.
Capital Campaign donations are in support of our "Growing to Serve" campaign. With the completion of the Corrado Family Center we are now collecting the funds needed to repay our loan. Due to financial hardships, some of our families are unable to fulfill their pledge. Any excess funds will roll over into our next capital campaign which will serve the needs of our parish today and for many years to come.
Friends of St. John Fisher Foundation is an endowment fund established to fund educational programs at the school and parish. SJF School uses their proceeds to fund tuition/scholarship assistance, technology and improvements in the classroom. SJF Parish uses their proceeds to help foster faith development of parishioners at every stage in life. This includes Faith Formation for children, Youth Ministry, bible studies, small faith groups, adult scripture studies and Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA).