Everything You Wanted To Know
Week of 01-20-25
Next week, Catholic Schools across our country will celebrate National Catholic Schools Week. Each day I recognize the amazing opportunity that our school has to assist our families with the formation of our students, and to develop them into Active Christians, Engaged Learners and Responsible Citizens. Thank you for being our partner in their education!
At St. John Fisher, we have a number of events to celebrate National Catholic Schools Week and our Cardinal Week of Giving:
Saturday, Jan 25:
Students are invited to wear their school uniform to the vigil Mass at 4:30pm. As a special bonus, students that wear their uniform can earn a “Free Dress Pass” to be used any school day without a Mass through this school year. Additionally, we will have a special student ambassador give a testimonial of their experience at SJF.
Sunday, Jan 26:
Students are invited to wear their school uniform to Mass (9am, 11 am or 5:30pm). As a special bonus, students that wear their uniform can earn a “Free Dress Pass” to be used any school day without a Mass through this school year. We will have a special student ambassador give a testimonial of their experience at SJF.
Prospective families or siblings coming to SJF for the first time are invited to our Open House from 10am till 11:30am. Below is a copy of our Open House advertisement that you can find on our social media outlets (Facebook/Instagram). Feel free to “share” the Open House advertisement via your social media and your children can earn a “Free Dress Pass” too! Please email Mrs. Kathleen Birrell, Marketing Coordinator at [email protected] to let you know you “shared.” This way you can invite your friends so they too can reap the benefits of our SJF community and education!
Monday, Jan 27:
Cardinal Spirit Week and Cardinal Week of Giving Begins!
Our Cardinal Spirit Theme for Monday is Class Color Day! The students are welcome to wear “free dress” with their coordinating class color.
Pre-K: Blue, Kindergarten: Green, First Grade: Purple, Second Grade: Neon, Third Grade: Pink, Fourth Grade: Red, Fifth Grade: Yellow, Sixth Grade: Gray, Seventh Grade: White, and Eighth Grade: Black
Our Cardinal Week of Giving assembly will be right after drop off (8:20am) in the gym. During the assembly we will have friendly class competitions to start our Cardinal Spirit Week off with a bang! All families are welcome so stick around after drop off to join in the festivities!
Tuesday, Jan 28:
The Cardinal Spirit Theme for today reminds us to take a break and relax with Pajama/Onesie dress
Wednesday, Jan 29:
The Cardinal Spirit Theme for today is Grandparent/Special Friends Day! Please RSVP HERE and students should wear their SJF uniform.
Visitors are welcome to come to the school starting at 9:30am to pick up their SJF student. Our campus will have activities such as student work displayed in the halls, a book fair in the library and coffee and desserts in our Corrado Family Center. At 10:30am we welcome all to attend our school Mass in the church. Following Mass, we will dismiss the students from the church back to the school so they can resume the remainder of the day (concluding at 2:05pm - typical Wednesday dismissal).
Thursday, Jan 30:
The Cardinal Spirit Theme for today has our students having a blast from the past with an 80’s Dress Day. Kids can dress in their best 80’s style with big hair, neon and more!
Friday, Jan 31:
Today we flip the script and students get to enjoy this day off from school while the faculty and staff attend school! We will be participating in a faith formation inservice led by Deacon Scott where we will be celebrating Mass and reading and reflecting on two documents: Weight of Glory by C.S. Lewis and Pope Francis latest encyclical titled “Dilexit Nos.”
Our students don’t have to miss out on keeping busy on campus as we will be offering full day extended care from 7am - 6pm. The cost is $45 per day and if you are interested in having your child attend, please email Mr. Boyer by this Friday (1/24) at [email protected].
Saturday, Feb 1:
Once the sun goes down, our “Big Hair Because We Care” parent party kicks off at 6pm! You can purchase your “Big Hair Because We Care” Party tickets HERE and as a special bonus, if you buy your tickets before the event, you will receive a $15 discount per ticket! See you there!
If you are looking for a way to get involved and/or need volunteer hours, you are welcome to Sign up here!
Tuesday 1/21: 3:15-3:45pm Gr 5-8 Study Hall, 3:15-4:30pm Xanadu rehearsal in CFC
Wednesday 1/22: Re-Enrollment for Current Families Ends, 7:30am Glee Club in parish music room, 1:00pm School Mass (5th Gr), 2:05pm Dismissal, Chess Wizards
Thursday 1/23: 7:30am Glee Club in library, 3:15-3:45pm Gr 5-8 Study Hall, 3:15-4:30pm Xanadu rehearsal in CFC
Sunday 1/26: Catholic Schools Week & Cardinal Week of Giving Begin! 10:00-11:30am PreK-8 Open House
Monday 1/27: Class Color Day, Teacher Appreciation Lunch (2nd Gr), 8:15am Catholic Schools Week & Cardinal Week of Giving Assembly
Tuesday 1/28: PJs Day, 7:15am LeadHERship in library, 3:15-3:45pm Gr 5-8 Study Hall, 3:15-4:30pm Xanadu rehearsal in CFC
Wednesday 1/29: Students in uniforms, 7:30am Glee Club in parish music room, 9:30-11:30am Grandparents/Special Friends Day, 10:30am School Mass (4th Gr), 2:05pm Dismissal, Chess Wizards
Thursday 1/30: ‘80’s Flashback, FACTS Tuition Assistance Deadline, 7:30am Glee Club in library, 3:15-3:45pm Gr 5-8 Study Hall, 3:15-4:30pm Xanadu rehearsal in CFC
Friday 1/31: NO SCHOOL - Faith Formation Inservice for Teachers, Open Enrollment Period for New Students Ends
Saturday 2/1: 6:00pm Big Hair Because We Care Parent Party
Playground duty is from 11:25am - 1:00pm. If there is a conflict with your scheduled playground duty date, please notify Holly Hunt, our playground duty coordinator, as far in advance as possible so that she can reschedule your duty. Thank you for your help in the lunchroom and on the playground.
Tuesday 1/21: ANDRETTA
Wednesday 1/22: BACHLEDER
Thursday 1/23: ANDREWS
Friday 1/24: GENTILE (DAGGETT)
Monday 1/27: BRAUN
Tuesday 1/28: McCLENATHAN
Wednesday 1/29: JENSEN (JULIA & XANDER)
Thursday 1/30: DORLON
Friday 1/31: NO SCHOOL
Yesterday, our Cardinal Week of Giving Chair, Sara Richardson, put out an excellent introduction email to our “Big Hair Because We Care!” Cardinal Week of Giving line up. Here are some of the quick links for your reference:
Additionally, for your convenience, we have attached the complete email to this SAM as well.
BIG HAIR BECAUSE WE CARE - Please see attached flyer
Guac on, Cardinals! Thank you for choosing Chipotle for dinner last week. SJF earned $398.99 during SJF night at Chipotle.
Be sure to stop by the library between 9:30-10:30am when you’re on campus for Grandparents & Special Friends Day. Additional information is on the attached flyer.
Families applying for FACTS Grant & Aid for the 2025/2026 school year must complete their assessment and submit the necessary supporting documentation to FACTS Grant & Aid Assessment @ https://online.factsmgt.com/aid. The following information is required in order for FACTS to process your application. Completed online application
Payment of the application fee ($40)
Copies of your 2023 tax return including all schedules
Copies of your 2024 W-2’s for you and your spouse
Copies of supporting documentation for Social Security, Income, Welfare, Child Support, Food Stamps, Workers’ Compensation and TANF
The application fee is $40 and can be paid via credit card. Please note the deadline to submit your online application with FACTS is January 30th.
St. John Fisher is proud to announce that applications for a $1,000 scholarship in honor of Mrs. Darlene Sheridan are now being accepted. Mrs. Sheridan was an amazing educator for over 30 years at St. John Fisher.
To apply, please submit a one-page essay describing how this scholarship can benefit your child and family. In particular please include any specific financial needs, areas that SJF addresses that wouldn’t be possible without assistance, or what you feel to be important. All applications are reviewed solely by Mrs.Sheridan and not shared with other members of the SJF community or staff. The essay should also include the parent names, name of child(ren) at SJF, and any other family members. Please include a postal address, email address, and telephone number.
To submit, email the above to: [email protected]. Applications are due no later than Friday, Feb. 14.
The successful applicant will be notified from Mrs. Sheridan directly and a payment will be made directly to St. John Fisher in the awardee’s name. The mission of the scholarship is to support families in sending their children to SJF where they may grow in their Christian faith, academics, and overall social being.
JANUARY 24, 2025
JV2 AT 4:00, JV AT 5:30 &
Additional information is on the attached flyer.
Just in time for Valentine’s Day! See the attached flyer for all the details.