Everything You Want to Know
Week of October 31, 2022
Thank you so much for your partnership in attending our Parent/Teacher Conferences last week. With a 93% attendance rate between the 2 days, I would say we are doing a great job prioritizing communication between parents and teachers to help aid in the most successful experience for all our students. Thanks for making those days a priority for meeting with your child’s teachers.
Special thanks go out to our SJF Men’s Club for a fantastic Halloween Carnival on Saturday night, to Mr. Vecchione and our Middle School Leadership Elective for a spirited Halloween assembly and to our room parents for the class parties yesterday - what a whirlwind of a day!
Today marks the All Saints Day celebration. We welcome families to attend Mass with us this afternoon at 2pm. During the Mass, our Fourth Grade students will be leading us through a litany of saints. See you there! On Wednesday, we will NOT have our typical school Mass at 1pm since we are celebrating Mass today, but we will continue with our typical Wednesday dismissal at 2pm.
In closing, don’t forget to set your clocks back an hour before you head to bed on Saturday night otherwise you will be quite early to Mass on Sunday and/or school Monday.
Tuesday 11/1: All Saint’s Day, 2:00pm School Mass (4th gr), 3:00pm Chess Wizards, 3:15-3:45pm Gr 5-8 study hall
Wednesday 11/2: 7:30am Glee club in church, No Mass, 2:00pm Dismissal, 2:30pm Faculty meeting
Thursday 11/3: 7:30am Glee club in gym, 3:15-3:45pm Gr 5-8 study hall
Friday 11/4: 8:00am Kindergarten hearing screening, 10:45am 2nd gr hosts guest speaker
Sunday 11/6: Daylight Savings Time Ends
Nov. 7-10: Scholastic Book Fair Week
Monday 11/7: Lifetouch Picture Retakes, 2:15pm Kid’s Heart Challenge Kick Off Assembly
Tuesday 11/8: Election Day, 3:00pm Chess Wizards, 5:30pm SAC meeting
Wednesday 11/9: 7:30am Glee club in church, 1:00pm School Mass (7th gr), 2:00pm Dismissal, 2:30pm Faculty meeting, Cardinal Club meeting at 7pm in the Corrado Family Center
Thursday 11/10: 7:30am Glee club in gym
Friday 11/11: Veteran’s Day Holiday-NO SCHOOL
Playground duty is from 11:25-1:00. The October and November 2022 duty calendars are on your FACTS Family Portal under Resource Documents. On your assigned day, please check in at the school office and then head to the Corrado Family Center! It is important to arrive on time on your scheduled playground duty date. When you don’t show up, three different teachers must give up their lunch periods to cover the primary, intermediate, and middle school lunch recess periods. If you have a conflict with your scheduled duty date, or you are able to help out on a date that needs coverage, please contact our playground duty coordinator, Holly Hunt, at mailto:[email protected]. Thank you for helping our students in the lunchroom and on the playground.
Tuesday 11/1: SCHMIDT-thank you!
Wednesday 11/2: CURRIE
Thursday 11/3: RICHARDSON
Friday 11/4: KOOPMAN
Monday 11/7: HAAPALA
Tuesday 11/8: JARAMILLO
Wednesday 11/9: MUDRICK
Thursday 11/10: BROWNING
Lifetouch will be here for picture retakes on Monday morning, Nov. 7. If you were absent on the original picture day, you can still order your pictures in advance at mylifetouch.com using the SJF picture day ID: EVT7C89DK.
If you want your child’s picture retaken, simply return your original picture package on retake day. Lifetouch will reprint your original order with the new picture.
Students having their picture retaken may wear free dress on Monday, Nov. 7.
Dates: Monday Nov. 7 - Thursday Nov. 10 in the School Lobby
Families may shop each day for one hour after dismissal
Parents may shop each morning after drop off until 9:00 am
Students may shop during the school day at scheduled times
Hundreds of quality preschool - middle school books to purchase.
Profits go to purchasing books for classrooms and the library
Support your child’s classroom by purchasing a book from their teacher’s Wish List
Pre-order the new Cat Kid Comic Club Collaborations online HERE or in-person next week at the Fair
A new secure way for your child to shop: eWallet!
See the attached fliers for Fair, Preorders and eWallet details!
Book Fair Volunteers Needed Next Week!
We are looking for volunteers to help during our after school Book Fair sales rush. We need one or two volunteers each day to work the cash register, help with Teacher Wish lists and book labels, help with cash sales,and straighten merchandise.
You will be trained; it's easy and a lot of fun!
Choose your days:
Monday - Thursday for one hour after dismissal.
Please contact Mrs. Burd to sign up and ask questions.
The SJF Men’s Club would like to thank all who attended the SJF Halloween Carnival on Saturday night. It was a huge turnout, with lots of great costumes, awesome families and fun times. It had been three years since it was hosted in the old cafeteria and what a blast it was. Thank you to all the volunteers for making it possible. It was cool seeing the haunted house walls go up and the volunteers start decorating the inside. It really came to life though once the lights went out Saturday night and you guys started showing up.
Thank you to our sponsors, 10 Barrel Brewing Co, Cider Mill & Fryer Tuck Chicken, Double Canyon Winery, Chamisal Vineyards, Peachtree Gifts in Multnomah Village, and Costco for your donations.
The only thing better than the SJF Halloween Carnival is losing it to a pandemic, and then bringing it back to life!
All SJF Parents are invited to join the Cardinal Club at their first meeting on Wednesday, Nov. 9 at 7:00pm in the CFC. Learn how to grow–and maintain–school spirit through social activities and volunteer opportunities. Great information is included on the attached Cardinal Club flyer.
The SJF Altar Guild will be having their Annual Nut Sale beginning on Nov. 12 & 13 after all Masses. The sale will continue on Nov. 19 & 20 and Nov. 26 & 27 if there are any nuts remaining. No inflation - the prices remain the same as last year. Please see the attached flyer for more information.
Our next Altar Guild meeting will be on Nov. 9th at 10 am in the Corrado Family Center. For more information, please contact Joanne Cholick at 971-998-7351
Attention 6th - 8th Grade Students! We are teaming up with our friends at Holy Trinity and St. Cecilia to host a middle school dance series this school year! The first dance will be at Holy Trinity on December 9th from 6:30pm - 8:30pm. Only students from our three schools are allowed to attend and registration is required. Please click HERE to register for this fun event.
It's time to register for the Winter 2022 SJF Basketball Season!
Register your 1st & 2nd graders for CYO Hot Shots Basketball here: https://cyocamphoward.
Register your 3rd-8th graders for CYO Basketball here: https://cyocamphoward.
Practices begin in late November. There will be one game in December, then a Holiday break, followed by the rest of the schedule beginning in early January.
Regular season games are on Saturdays and a championship tournament will be played in March.
1st & 2nd: The registration fee is $230 per participant (LATE FEE : $270 Effective 11/21/22)
3rd-8th: The registration fee is $260 per participant (LATE FEE : $300 Effective 11/21/22)
Hot Shots uniform order link will be available soon, it will be sent to parents when it's ready.
Interested in coaching? We still need coaches for these teams:
3rd Grade Girls
3rd Grade Boys
If you can help coach, please email: David Sheridan, Club Basketball Coordinator, at [email protected]
Questions? Email: JB Gibbs, Club AD, at [email protected]
Please click the links below for more information:
Snow Ball Winter Dance
Book Fair Flyer
Cardinal Club
Altar Guild Nut Sale
E Wallet