Everything You Want to Know
Week of November 7, 2022
Although we were just in shorts and t-shirts 3 weeks ago, this week's forcasted weather reminds us that winter has arrived. Here is a review of SJF’s inclement weather policies. You can also locate this information on page 15 of your Parent/Student Handbook (the little red handbook):
Announcements concerning school closure and late starts are shared with families via parent email, posting on the SJF Facebook & Instagram pages, posting on the Announcements banner of your Family Portal on FACTS, and via the FACTS Parent Alert text feature.
During inclement weather, keep the following points in mind:
If the Portland Public School District (PPS) is closed, SJF is closed.
If PPS has a late opening, SJF has a late start with doors opening at 10:00am.
Morning Extended Care and Hot Lunch are not available on late start days.
SJF does reserve the right to make an independent decision regarding school closure or late opening.
If you haven’t yet enrolled in the Parent Alert feature, please text the keyword “START” to 22-383 from your mobile device. Any text alerts from our school will begin with “SJF-ALERT” and calls will show “503-246-3234” (school phone number).
Additionally, with winter's arrival we have also seen an uptick of illness. A good rule of thumb is that if a child has a fever (defined as >100.4℉), diarrhea, vomit, or is not well enough to be outside during recess, please keep the child at home. Students must be fever/vomit/diarrhea free with symptoms reduced for 24 hours without medication before being readmitted to class. Parents are asked to notify the school office by 8:15 a.m. each day that a child will be absent from school because of illness. Middle school students should email their teachers notifying them of their absence. Students who become ill (fever, diarrhea or vomit) during the school day will be held in the school office and/or in the child’s classroom based on emergency need/care. Parents will be contacted to take the child home. Thanks for your cooperation in keeping our community safe and healthy this winter season.
Nov. 7-10: Scholastic Book Fair Week
Tuesday 11/8: Election Day, 3:00pm Chess Wizards, 3:15-3:45pm Gr 5-8 Study Hall, 5:30pm SAC meeting
Wednesday 11/9: 7:30am Glee club in church, 1:00pm School Mass (7th gr), 2:00pm Dismissal, 2:30pm Faculty meeting, Cardinal Club meeting at 7pm in the Corrado Family Center
Thursday 11/10: 7:30am Glee club in gym, 3:15-3:45pm Gr 5-8 Study Hall
Friday 11/11: Veteran’s Day Holiday-NO SCHOOL
Monday 11/14: Teacher Appreciation-Thank you 7th Grade
Tuesday 11/15: 3pm Chess Wizards, 3:15-3:45pm Gr 5-8 Study Hall
Wednesday 11/16: 11:30am All-school Thanksgiving luncheon, 1:00pm School Mass (6th gr), 2:00pm Dismissal, 2:30pm Faculty meeting
Thursday 11/17: Happy Birthday to Mr. Sweeney! 3:15-3:45pm Gr 5-8 Study hall, 5:30pm PTC Exec meeting, 7:00pm Men’s Club Thanksgiving dinner
Friday 11/18: 8:15am Kindergarten Hearing screening (rescheduled date), 10:00am Franz Bakery visits 2nd grade
Saturday 11/19: 11:00am 2nd Gr Parent/Student Reconciliation Prep meeting
Playground duty is from 11:25-1:00. The November 2022 duty calendar is on your FACTS Family Portal under Resource Documents. On your assigned day, please check in at the school office and then head to the Corrado Family Center! It is important to arrive on time on your scheduled playground duty date. When you don’t show up, three different teachers must give up their lunch periods to cover the primary, intermediate, and middle school lunch recess periods. If you have a conflict with your scheduled duty date, or you are able to help out on a date that needs coverage, please contact our playground duty coordinator, Holly Hunt, at mailto:[email protected]. Thank you for helping our students in the lunchroom and on the playground.
Tuesday 11/8: JARAMILLO
Wednesday 11/9: MUDRICK
Thursday 11/10: BROWNING
Monday 11/14: STEVENS
Tuesday 11/15: BREWER
Wednesday 11/16: NEED COVERAGE
Thursday 11/17: STRAUCH
Friday 11/18: HAMILTON
All SJF Parents are invited to join the Cardinal Club at their first meeting this Wednesday, Nov. 9 at 7:00pm in the CFC. Learn how to grow–and maintain–school spirit through social activities and volunteer opportunities. Great information is included on the attached Cardinal Club flyer.
Volunteers are needed for fun Art Literacy projects throughout the school year. Lead an art lesson in your child’s classroom - all materials and scripting provided! - and earn several volunteer hours. It’ll be a fun group and no experience is necessary! Contact Kristin King for details: [email protected]
We need parents to run the gate for each of the following times during the CYO Volleyball Tournament games taking place at the SJF Gym.
11/14- 5:30pm-7:30pm
11/17- 5:30pm-7:30pm
11/18- 5:30pm-7:30pm
11/19- 8:30am-10:30am
Please contact JB Gibbs ([email protected]) or (325) 271-5311 if you can help.
Dear Families – Kids Heart Challenge has officially kicked off, and we are so excited to Be the Torch that will light the torch of hope in the fight against heart disease and stroke! Our goal this year is to save 160 lives and have 100% of our families learn the lifesaving skill Hands-Only CPR.
Thank you for all your HEART work supporting our school and the American Heart Association!
Click here for your Virtual Envelope: Meet the KHC Heart Heroes and see the cool thank you gifts you can earn! Be sure to talk with your student about their favorite Heart Hero and heart healthy message from today’s Kick Off!
Next Steps:
Join our team and Take the Challenge to Move More or Be Kind and receive a FREE Be the Torch Wristband! Register at http://www2.heart.org/goto/
Start FINN’S MISSION in your HQ, where you can learn Hands-Only CPR as a family, how to spot a stroke F.A.S.T. When you complete Finn’s Mission, you’ll earn Finn’s Keychain!
Be The Torch by connecting to social media in your HQ to spread awareness in your community.
Special School Incentives:
If we hit our school goal and have 100 students registered, we will get a free dress day!
Every class with 100% participation in the challenge will get popsicles!
Class/grade level with most money raised will get a spirit day (pj party, sports day, color day, etc.)!
Students that raise $50 will get to sign the Kids Heart Challenge banner!
When you raise $50 you will earn a Be The Torch wristband, 4 Heart Heroes, and a Mystery Gift!!
We're so excited to bring back the fun and socializing we all love in the form of easel parties. If you're new here, an easel party is simply a party that an SJF couple or family hosts for either adults or kids, that other SJF parents or kids attend as a way to have fun and fundraise.
We're currently putting together the upcoming party calendar and we need YOU. We've got lots of fun ideas and need the hosts. In the past there have been ping pong parties, poker, mom's night out, dad's night out, pickleball, margarita mamas, outdoor movie night, tea party, cookie decorating, etc.
If you're interested, please reach out to Danielle Floberg daniellefloberg@yahoo.
Attention 5th-8th grade students: Auditions for this year’s middle school musical, Fiddler on the Roof, Jr. will take place on Nov. 29-30. This is the Tuesday and Wednesday following the Thanksgiving break. Please note that everyone who is auditioning must attend both audition sessions. Details for the audition process are on the attached audition notice.
The traditional SJF Christmas bazaar is returning on Saturday, Dec. 3 from 1-3pm. There will be a cake walk, holiday games, and the Peachtree gift booth. The Altar Guild will be selling holiday wreaths, baked goods, and nuts. It’s a fun and festive way to earn volunteer hours. Sign up to help on this Google Form
The SJF Altar Guild will begin their Annual Nut Sale this weekend after all Masses. The sale will continue on Nov. 19 & 20 and Nov. 26 & 27 if there are any nuts remaining. No inflation - the prices remain the same as last year. Please see the attached flyer for more information.
Our next Altar Guild meeting will be on Nov. 9th at 10 am in the Corrado Family Center. For more information, please contact Joanne Cholick at 971-998-7351
Attention 6th - 8th Grade Students! We are teaming up with our friends at Holy Trinity and St. Cecilia to host a middle school dance series this school year! The first dance will be at Holy Trinity on December 9th from 6:30pm - 8:30pm. Only students from our three schools are allowed to attend and registration is required. Please click HERE to register for this fun event.
It's time to register for the Winter 2022 SJF Basketball Season!
Register your 1st & 2nd graders for CYO Hot Shots Basketball here: https://cyocamphoward.
Register your 3rd-8th graders for CYO Basketball here: https://cyocamphoward.
Practices begin in late November. There will be one game in December, then a Holiday break, followed by the rest of the schedule beginning in early January.
Regular season games are on Saturdays and a championship tournament will be played in March.
1st & 2nd: The registration fee is $230 per participant (LATE FEE : $270 Effective 11/21/22)
3rd-8th: The registration fee is $260 per participant (LATE FEE : $300 Effective 11/21/22)
Hot Shots uniform order link will be available soon, it will be sent to parents when it's ready.
Questions? Email: JB Gibbs, Club AD, at [email protected]
Please click the links below for more information: