SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT MEMO - Everything You Wanted To Know Summer SAM #5 - 08-29-2023 A NOTE FROM OUR PRINCIPAL Looking forward to seeing you on Thursday between 2:30 and 4:00 for our uniform sale and school supply drop off (grades 1-8). Uniform sale can accept cash, checks, or credit cards. See you then!
SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT MEMO - Everything You Wanted To Know Summer SAM #4 - 08-22-2023 A NOTE FROM OUR PRINCIPAL We are on the homestretch preparing for the return of our students on Tuesday, Sept. 5th! We look forward to seeing families on Thursday, August 31st from 2:30-4:00 pm at our Uniform Sale/Exchange (for all students) and Supply Drop Off (for students in grades 1-8. PreK and Kindergarten will bring their supplies to their Slow Start appointment. Here’s one last reminder checklist of things to do before the first day of school:
SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT MEMO - Everything You Wanted To Know Summer SAM #3 - 08-17-2023 A NOTE FROM OUR PRINCIPAL When you arrive at campus you will notice new safety yellow concrete bollards that will have a cable extending from one side to the other secured with a combination padlock. For safety and security, we will begin to lock the entrances to our campus in the evening. The entrance from Vermont will be open from 7am - 6pm Monday through Friday and the entrance from 45th will be open from 7am - last person is on campus (evening). We will distribute the padlock combination to our faculty, staff and frequent volunteers such as SAC/PTC Exec members and CYO coaches.
SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT MEMO - Everything You Wanted To Know Summer SAM #2 - 08-01-2023 A NOTE FROM OUR PRINCIPAL Happy Summer and welcome to our 2023-24 school year! I hope you all are enjoying this time with friends and family, and our warm weather. Here at St. John Fisher School we are gearing up for another fantastic year! Our PreK is under construction, the gym is getting a fresh coat of finish, classrooms are being prepped and we are busily preparing for the faculty and staff to come back on August 28th.