St. John Fisher School’s Mission is to partner with the family in educating and developing the whole child. With this spirit in mind, there are a number of ways parents can actively participate in their child’s education. Parents can volunteer as a room parent, in the library, at fundraising events like auction and jog-a-thon, or a PTC/SAC committee position just to name a few.
The St. John Fisher School Advisory Council (SAC) is comprised of school parents and parish members who lend their talents to one of four committees: Administrative, Finance, Development/Marketing, and Facilities. Each SAC member, nominated by committee and approved by SAC, serves for three years. The pastor and principal, in addition to the current PTC President Couple, are non-voting members of SAC. School parents who would like to attend a SAC meeting should inform the school office in advance of attendance, for agenda purposes. These meetings generally are held on the second Tuesday of the month and are noted on the annual school calendar.
If you are interested in volunteering for SAC please contact SAC Chair, Mr. Matt Floberg.
St. John Fisher School has an active Parent Teacher Club (PTC) organization, governed by an Executive Board of Officers. Voting members include: President Couple, Vice-President Couple, Treasurer, Secretary, and Family Volunteer Administrator. All school parents are members of the PTC and have the opportunity to attend regular meetings, participate in fundraising and social events, and contribute volunteer time and talent through the school’s Family Volunteer Program. In addition, the PTC funds all educational field trips, K-8, throughout the academic year.
If you are interested in volunteering for PTC please contact PTC President Couple, Libby Ola & William Rankin at [email protected]
The St. John Fisher Men’s Club is one of the core cultural aspects of St. John Fisher Parish and School.
The Men’s Club offers the opportunity for Men to discuss the school and issues related to the school in a casual environment. This kind of environment facilitates a key level of communication to the school and the various boards working on school direction.
The Men’s Club meets once a month during the school year except in January. The meetings are on the third Thursday of the month in the school cafeteria. Meetings are advertised in the SAM and via Men’s Club email.
For more information, please [email protected]
St. John Fisher School has sound business practices that ensure its financial success for the future. Families utilize FACTS for tuition assistance and tuition and extended care payments.
FACTS Student Information System makes web technology easy to use for teachers, administrators, parents and students by automating everyday tasks in elementary, middle and preschools. We focus on personalized online communication and improved parent involvement. FACTS brings all solutions under a single login – online communication, student information, secure portal, attendance, grade book, report cards, homework, announcements, calendars, email, text messaging, lunch ordering, online store, payments, online emergency forms, emergency notification and more.
Once registered, parents have access to the FACTS family portal where teachers post newsletters, homework assignments, grades and more. For more information on how to set up your family FACTS portal, login to FACTS and follow the Introduction to the FACTS Family Portal video.